• If you got unemployment insurance anytime in 2021 you may be at risk for an overpayment of benefits.
• If you are found to have been overpaid benefits you may be required to repay unemployment benefits you got since January 1, 2021.
• Keep reading to find out if you need to take action now!
Même si vous n’avez jusque-là jamais fait de déclaration de revenus, le crédit d’impôt pour enfants de 2021 peut s’élever jusqu’à 3 600 USD par enfant. C’est un changement important. Le gouvernement fédéral aide les familles ayant des enfants de manière beaucoup plus conséquente !
Many people don’t apply for unemployment insurance benefits because they think they are not eligible when in reality they could get benefits. Find out if you are eligible by applying!
The Build HOPE Project will help lift families out of poverty and will address Maine’s workforce shortage by strengthening the HOPE program.
In the summer of 2014, Maine Equal Justice Partners and the Every Child Matters Education Fund went directly to Maine people to ask their thoughts about poverty. We utilized two different approaches to assess their opinions. The first was a telephone survey of 478 likely Maine voters. The second was a written survey, completed by 941 Maine residents with low income over the age of 18. We asked both groups similar questions about the causes of poverty and how to reduce it. What we learned is that the two groups shared common ground - with striking agreement among conservatives and liberals, men and women, and people of all ages and income levels.
Below are Maine Equal Justice’s comments opposing the above-referenced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (“NPRM”), which would destroy the opportunity for millions of families, children, mothers fathers and individuals from escaping persecution and seeking refuge in the United States, a country that thrives in large part due to the hard work and contributions of immigrants, and a country proudly known as the melting pot of the world.
Maine Equal Justice focuses its work on many of the issues that affect people’s daily lives – access to adequate health care, housing, transportation and childcare; food and income security; and higher education and training. Maine Equal Justice is a 501 c 3 nonprofit organization. Our EIN is 04-3346273.
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