Legal help for low-income clients with a broad range of civil legal issues (including housing, public benefits, MaineCare, and education)
When you get TANF you must meet with a case worker at Fedcap, who is supposed to help you develop the skills you need to get a good job. The Maine Department of Health and Human Services pays Fedcap to do this work. Mainers have complained about how Fedcap runs this program. Because of these complaints, DHHS sent a public warning letter to Fedcap on March 13, 2019 telling Fedcap to fix the problems.
During this pandemic and recession, Medicaid is a lifeline for Mainers who need to stay safe and well, as well as providers and hospitals under financial strain.
As committed advocates, even a pandemic won’t stop us from making our voices heard on the issues that matter to our communities right now. Now that the legislature is almost fully remote and virtual, we must find creative ways to educate legislators about bills that will have big impacts on the lives of low-income people in Maine.
Everyday people sharing their stories is often the most effective way to influence policy decisions.
You can make a difference! Policymakers need to hear from you when making decisions that will impact your life. Sharing your story and experience can help policymakers make better, more informed decisions. And this helps all of us!
AUGUSTA – Maine Equal Justice, CA$H Maine, and the Maine Center for Economic Policy warned today that as many as 32,000 Mainers could be at risk of not receiving their federal stimulus payments this year if they do not file with the IRS by the October 15th deadline.
Maine has expanded MaineCare (Medicaid) to cover all adults between the ages 19 and 64 and whose income is below 138% of the Federal Poverty Level. Use this calculator to see if you can get help.
2019 poverty and hardship data for Maine released today by the Census Bureau show that Mainers were already facing hardships, and more recent data reflect an even harsher reality. While the 2019 data show a slight reduction in official poverty rates in the state (10.9% of Mainers experiencing poverty in 2019, compared to 11.6% for 2018), we are in a completely different world now. More recent data reflect our reality: Mainers are suffering from a pandemic and a recession that show no signs of abating soon, and the need for relief from Washington is urgent.
If you are an immigrant and not yet a naturalized citizen, you are eligible to receive a rebate check if you meet the income criteria (adjusted gross income less than $99,000 if you are single or $198,000 if you are a married couple) and meet other criteria.
Maine Equal Justice focuses its work on many of the issues that affect people’s daily lives – access to adequate health care, housing, transportation and childcare; food and income security; and higher education and training. Maine Equal Justice is a 501 c 3 nonprofit organization. Our EIN is 04-3346273.
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