Early Care and Learning

Maine Equal Justice works to ensure all Maine families can access quality, affordable childcare, regardless of their income.

Flavia Oliveira, a member of the Equal Justice Partners' Circle and an Educare Parent Ambassador alumni, testifies in support of LIFT before the Health and Human Services Committee.

In order for parents and children to succeed, families need quality, affordable childcare and early learning opportunities. Seventy three percent (73%) of Maine children under age six live in households where both parents work. But for parents with young kids, being able to afford childcare often affects their ability to get and keep a job.

Many Maine parents face significant barriers to accessing affordable, quality care for their children. The implications are important for children, families, and our economy. For a single parent in Maine with one child, the cost of care can absorb more than a third of their income.

Having affordable, quality childcare improves a family’s wellbeing and reduces their need for public assistance. There is a large body of economic research that shows this clear relationship between parents’ employment and the availability of childcare assistance.